Letter A

Dig into R.E.A.D.I.N.G at Blast off with Books

I’m home from the American Library Association Annual Conference and I’m super pumped about everything I learned.

Bright and early this morning, we learned how to sign the letter A:
photo (1)

Read three books:


The museum by Susan Verde
Almost by Richard Torrey
Z is for moose by Kelly Bingham


Song – “This is the way we” (Storytime Katie, with modifications)
Everyone draw your canvas! (draw a rectangle in the air)
“This is the way we stir our paint, stir our paint, stir our paint”
“This is the way we stir our paint, on this Tuesday morning!”
(continue with “paint our canvas,” “blow it dry” and “hang it high”)

Flannelboard Rhyme: “Five little apples” Storytime Secrets
I modified the rhyme a bit.

“Five little apples,
hung in a tree.
The farmer wasn’t looking,
so guess who came to eat?
(continue counting down as a horse, pig, bird and you and me munch along)

Final verse:
“Now the tree is bare,
there are no more apples there.
But when next fall comes around,
guess who will be there?
The caterpillar,
the horse,
the pig,
the bird,
and you and me!”

For our iPad time, we used the Wee Sing & Learn ABC app!
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We had 36 people visit us for this storytime. Please join us next Tuesday for the Letter “D!”

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