Letter I

Dig into R.E.A.D.I.N.G at Blast off with Books

We learned how to sign the letter I:

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Read two books:


Should I share my ice cream? by Mo Willems
I spy on the farm by Edward Gibbs

I is for Incredible Iguana – a draw-and-tell from A is for Alligator by de Las Casas and Gentry


Fingerplay: “Itsy Bitsy Spider” (Traditional)
The itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
(Great big hairy spider, teensy weensy spider)

Flannelboard: “Ice Cream Colors” (Storytime Katie)

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We have ice cream, the best in town,
Let us begin with chocolate brown.

Now, let us scoop us some bubble-gum pink,
It is sweet and yummy, the best, some think.

Here is ice cream minty and green,
It is the creamiest I have ever seen.

Yellow ice cream is lemony and tart,
We like its taste from the very start.

Scoops of blueberry would make my day,
Look at all this ice cream, hip, hip hurray!

Red ice cream is a strawberry delight,
All these scoops are a heavenly sight.

Vanilla white is a popular flavor,
It tastes very good to an ice-cream craver.

Purple ice cream really gives me a kick,
Good and yummy till the very last lick.

Ice cream, ice cream, what a cool sensation,
We love ice cream in any combination!

Movement Song: “Itchy, Itchy” (Songs for Teaching, with modifications)
I got an itchy,
I got an itchy itchy itchy on my foot.
I got an itchy,
I got an itchy itchy itchy on my foot!
(knee, arms, shoulders, nose, head)

For our iPad time, we rocked “Toca Boca” – which EVERYONE loved!

Please join us next Tuesday, July 23 for the Letter “N”!


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